Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ivey Deschanel -- You've done it again!!

So, after my post about the Exodi Hunt Ivey Deschanel (of Sn@tch fame!) passed me a notecard about her DIVE hunt. OMG! It was so much fun, and sooooo cool!!! You get a hud for your screen to just make the hunt a little more interesting. (seen below) I wish I'd have taken pictures along the way, but I met another new friend! We hammered the clues out together, and it made it much more fun! (I'll go back through & post pictures because the theme of the hunt and the story, drama, intrigue--it was FABULOUS!!!!!) It wasn't so hard that I got frustrated, but I did notice some asshat tp in at the very last spot--which, to me made them the double loser because they lost out on all of the goodies along the way!!! I shall be opening my goodies soon, and will post pics, but if you haven't done the DIVE hunt --you MUST make it a part of your Halloween fun-ness! Here's the starting point! Kudos to Ivey and her Pulse team--you made another great slmemory for me! :)

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