Sunday, September 27, 2009

Skin/Shape Expo 2009 -Tuli Skins - Bella

One word: Lucious!

I love these skins by Tuli and I have to say that I'm never disappointed by her skins and Bella is no exception! These have freckles, and normally I don't go for freckled skin, but I really like these!! Make sure you see Tuli's booth at the Skin/Shape Expo! And check out the bewbage! o.O Wow! This gown I'm wearing is from Digit Darkes-Siren--rawr!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Big Blogger Challenge

My friend, Isabeau, told me about the big blogger challenge posted here. A lot of sl fashions definitely lean toward a svelt figure, so I thought this would be an interesting, if not, fun challenge! My business partner, Sileny, & I have made some bbw shapes for our store, but I can't say they've been huge (no pun intended) sellers. Nonetheless, I grabbed my partner in crime, Ysabel/Alex and went to making the shape. She wanted to try it, too, so I gave her a copy of the shape. Here's what we came up with--I thought we did pretty well--both of us went to one of our staples, Leezu! Among others. We'll show Ysabel, first:
I really loved the close-up shot. No matter what shape or size, I'm glad she's my friend & I think she's beautiful! Up next: me...
I included one of my other shapes, to see the difference. I'm going to put the Big & Beautiful shape in my store at The Deck shopping for anyone who'd like to do the challenge, as well. It'll be a freebie, but I want your post link, please :)

"Why, Ms. Usbourne, you dance divinely..."

"Oh thank you, those Arthur Murray dance classes are really paying off!"
"Ms. Reinard, our bewbs are squishing!"
...just a bit of what happens when four girls decide to go to Frank's for a girls' night. Yep, we pretty much stomped on all rules of etiquette and laughed our a$$es off at Frank's. Ysabel, Isabeau, DarionMonkee and I decided to don our gorgeous gowns and trip the light fantastic. See, none of us are looking for cyber im's but we do like to take a break from building, creating, whatever to go have fun. If you were at Frank's last night (/me waves at Harper) and were offended by us, we apologize...if we gave you some laughs, then I'm really glad we could, because we really had a good time!

After that, we got to slay a content thief and go tour a super-secret sim that's in the works of a very talented designer. The new sim is really cool & if what she was wearing is any indication of what's to come, then this fall will bring some fabulous fashion!! When she launches the new sim & fashions, I'll spill the beans. :)